Learning Manager
For a complete manual on learning manager click here.
How do I get an account for Learning Manager?
Email info@gogyup.com or call/text +1 612-460-5358 to get an account.
How do I create a collection?
Click the link “Create a collection to get started.” Give your collection a name and click “Save”. This will not be seen by your learners. For now, leave the Content Group ID blank.
How do I hide a collection from my learners?
Uncheck the “Published” checkbox in the collection settings.
How do I add a reading to a collection?
Click the button “Add a Reading.” Before saving a reading, you must:
1. Select the collection the reading will belong to. GogyUp automatically selects the last selection created.
2. Add a title for the reading.
When completed, click save at the bottom of the page.
The reading version number is automatically computed but may also be manually updated. (Not recommended)
Tip: Once you add readings (documents) to your organization, you can use the “Documents” quick add” bar to add a reading to the collection.
What does the “intro” box mean in the reading settings?
If the “intro” box is checked, the reading is required for all learners. They must complete this reading in the collection first before other readings in the collection are displayed.
How do I add a section to a reading?
Navigate to the desired reading. Click the “ + Add Section” button and add the section’s title. Paste or type text. If the text is not in plain text (.txt) format, Learning Manager will ask if you want to “clean” it after pasting - always a good idea! You can then use the B and I buttons to add emphasis. Add links to outside resources such as videos, conference rooms, etc. here. Click the “image button” to upload an image. Comprehension questions can be entered here or later.
How do I upload a pdf as a section?
Readings must be in plain text (.txt) format to be added to Learning Manager. To convert a pdf to plain text try
using an online service like PDF 2 Go (no affiliation with GogyUp): https://www.pdf2go.com/pdf-to-text
“force opening” the PDF in Google Docs:
Upload your PDF to a Google Drive account.
Click on the document and the click on “Open with Google Docs”
Once the pdf is converted to plain text, copy and paste the text into the section text.
How do I invite learners?
Learners will need to download GogyUp Reader and create a profile on a mobile device. If a learner doesn’t have access to a smartphone or tablet, they may set up a GogyUp profile and use the GogyUp Reader on a PC with a chrome browser.
Once they set up their profile, you can either:
Manually enroll each learner using individual codes.
Set a “global” invite code to quickly enroll any learner at any time.
What is the difference between a "global" invite code and individual codes?
The “global” invite code method is more efficient but less secure.
“Global” invite codes allow learners to “auto-enroll” in your GogyUp organization, removing that process step from your workflow.
This also means that learners (or any adult who has installed GogyUp Reader on their device) can access your collection.
Individual codes are more secure but less efficient.
You must manually enroll students into your GogyUp organization before they can access your readings.
If you know the email address the learner will use to create a GogyUp profile, you can provide the invite code to that individual before they download GogyUp.
IMPORTANT: Once a learner enters an invite code and enrolls in your organization:
Changing an invite code will not “lock” that learner out of your organization.
To remove a learner from an organization, follow the “Remove a Learner” process.
How do I set up a "global" invite code?
Login to the GogyUp Learning Manager.
Click on “Edit your organization…” under “Manage Organization”.
At the bottom of the next page, add the word or sequence of letters and numbers you will use for your code.
NOTE: global invite codes are NOT case sensitive. For example: Code and cOdE are treated as the same word.
After you make a global invite code available, enrollment is completely dependent on the learner.
The learner downloads the app, creates a profile, and then uses your Invite Code to connect to your organization’s readings.
How do I create individual invite codes?
Login to the GogyUp Learning Manager.
From the Account Home page, click on the “Manage Students” link.
Type in the email address(es) for each learner, one address per line, and click “Save”.
Individual invite codes are automatically generated once a learner is added to an organization.
How do learners access my readings?
Learner downloads GogyUp Reader: The learner launches the device’s app store and searches for “GogyUp Reader.”
Learner creates a GogyUp Profile.
NOTE: If the learner specifies a preferred language other than English, GogyUp can offer word-by-word translation.
The learner enters an invite code - either a “global” invite code or an individual invite code you created when you enrolledthe learner in your organization.
GogyUp Reader
For a Quick Start Guide click here.
How do I get started as a learner in GogyUp Reader?
Download the free GogyUp Reader and create your Profile to save progress.
Enter an invite code to join your class. No invite code? Access our free, public readings.
How do I find my invite code?
Each organization has a unique invite code. Click “Partners” in the navigation bar on our website and select your organization. The invite code will be listed on your organization’s Partner Page.
Do I need a phone to use GogyUp Reader?
No, all of GogyUp’s features are accessible with any computer that has the Chrome browser.
Snap Reader
For a Quick Start Guide click here.
How do I get started in Snap Reader?
Download the free Snap Reader in the app or google play store.
Allow access to your camera and photos to take pictures of text or upload pictures directly from your camera roll.
How do I change the voice?
Click the gear icon in the upper right hand corner of the app and go to the section "Read aloud voice". Here you can select the language and accent, the voice speed, and voice pitch.
Check the box "Do long pauses between sentences" if you'd like the voice reader to pause between each section of reading.
How do I stop the app from zooming in on my image/text?
Click the gear icon in the upper right hand corner of the app. Under "Other" check the box "Disable auto zoom (top image preview)".
The app is having trouble reading the text clearly.
Image processing technology is still fairly new so it's important to take the picture in the proper angle and lighting to avoid words, paragraphs, or lines from getting jumbled or skipped. For best results, lay your page as flat as possible. Curved pages can confuse your device's text processor.
We are working to optimize the text processor for texts organized in columns.
How do I save documents?
Press the save icon at the upper right of the reading screen and name the document. It should appear and stay in the document list for as long as you keep the app installed.
If you are still having trouble saving multiple documents check how much storage your device has.
Can I link pages together for a continuous listening experience?
At this point users are unable to link pages but we are working on adding this feature in the future.
What features are available on pro?
Snap Reader Pro offers unlimited saved documents and unlimited scans per document.
What's the difference between the two OCR modes for image scanning?
On-device: fastest results; no internet connection required.
Cloud: slower and requires an internet connection, but sometimes gets better text results.
How do I sign up for the Beta app?
On the app, click the gear icon in the upper right hand corner. From there click the button that says “Beta app signup”.
If you’d like to sign up via our website click here.
Where can I send feedback?
You can send feedback directly from the app by clicking the gear icon in the upper right hand corner, then clicking the button labeled “Feedback”. You can also contact us by emailing support@gogyup.com.